LLM Public International Law
1 Years
Full time, Part time
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EUR 2,314 / per year *
* for non-EEA, non-Swiss, & non-Surinam applicants: €19,300
Public International Law is a one-year Master’s specialization at the internationally acclaimed Leiden Law School at Leiden University. The program focuses on the legal framework that governs international relations in an increasingly complex global society.
The Regular LL.M. (Public International Law specialization) is taught by lecturers who possess expertise in a wide range of aspects of public international law, including international criminal law, international humanitarian law, international human rights law, the law on peace and security, international institutional law, international dispute settlement, international economic law, and international environmental law.
Different perspectives
In this program you will gain a thorough understanding of the fundamental doctrines of public international law, studying different perspectives from theory and practice. We will also challenge you to develop your views on the role and functioning of law in international society.
About the Programme
The Regular LL.M. (Public International Law specialization) is taught by lecturers who possess expertise in a wide range of aspects of public international law, including international criminal law, international humanitarian law, international human rights law, the law on peace and security, international institutional law, international dispute settlement, international economic law, and international environmental law.
The curriculum in the first semester provides an overall introduction to public international law and international criminal law. The second semester is more track-specific and focused on interaction.
Semester 1
Dutch students
ILS - Global law: legal reasoning in International, EU and National law
International students
International Law in Context: Historical, Sociological and Theoretical Perspectives
All students
- Public International Law
- International Dispute Settlement
- International Criminal Law
- Master’s Thesis part 1
Semester 2
All students
- Contemporary Issues - Privatissimum
- The Law & Practice of International Organizations - Practicum
- International human rights in today''s world
- Master’s Thesis part 2
Specific subjects
- Contemporary Issues - Privatissimum
- The Law & Practice of International Organisations - Practicum
Career Opportunities
The Regular LL.M. (specialization in Public International Law) will provide you with a broad academic training.
You will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a career within:
- Public authorities (ministries), diplomatic service
- International organizations
- International courts and tribunals
- Universities
- Private legal practice
- Non-governmental organizations
After a successful completion of this LL.M., the student:
- is able to write high quality papers on the theoretical aspects of complex legal issues;
- is able to present and defend his findings, and to critically appraise the findings of other students;
- is able to moderate a legal debate on particular issues.